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今まで生きてきた中で体験した事のない快楽への道を歩んでしまう背徳。“彼への想い”と“快楽”の狭間に揺れる乙女たちの姿。施術と称したエロいエステで何度もイク…SEXだけは断固拒否!でも…淡い乙女の気持ちを踏みにじり、施術師の口車に乗せられた乙女たちの性感オイルマッサージ!The immorality of walking in the life of pleasure that I’ve never experienced before! The figures of girls wondering between “feelings for him“ and “pleasure“. I’ve experienced orgasm multiple times during an erotic massage, but refused sex! But...her feelings are trampled on by the therapist’s words, and she is now a slave waiting for pleasure!