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アメリカのティーンエイジャーのボンキュッボーン。言葉要らずのグラマラスボディ。キメの細かい透き通るような白い肌、薄いピンク色の乳輪を携えた推定Hカップ、外国人特有の腰高のくびれ&デカ尻、そして、日本人好みの愛らしいルックス…全て最高の逸材です。日本人男優がヒィヒィ言わせてます。是非。Enjoy the American Teenager’s awesome body!! This body doesn’t need explanation! With her clear smooth skin and her estimated H cup tits, and her curvy waists and that fine ASS!! She has that typical looks that any Japanese men would die to fuck!!Look at the Japanese porn actors making her scream!!