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‘あやの’は夫には内緒で‘へそくり’を貯めるためにパートに出ていた。ある日の電車内、某サイトに投稿した痴●願望の女と間違われて痴●されてしまった。初めての出来事に困惑するも、夫とセックスレスだった彼女は思わず股間を濡らし感じてしまい、その日から何処の誰とも分らない痴●師の魔の手にかかってしまう。Ayano’ went out to her part-time to save the secret money without telling the husband. In the train one day, she was mistaken for the woman of the lascivious desire who posted on a certain site, and was touched. Although she was bewildered by the event for the first time, she who was sexless with her husband wet her crotch unintentionally and felt it, and it takes the hand of the devil of the person who does not distinguish it from whom anywhere from that day.