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クズ男と結婚し、借金を肩代わりするハメになった人妻「レイ」。そんな人妻に、お金を貸した男・一条から借金をチャラに出来るゲームがあると言われ、飛びついたレイ。それは一条のしてほしいことを実行することで借金が減るという魔のゲームだった。旦那の命を握られ、絶体絶命の人妻は熟れた肢体を用いてゲームを攻略していく…!Rei married a scumbag and had to take on his debts. When Ichijo, the man who lent her husband the money, tells her that there is a game in which she can clear her debts, she jumps at the chance. However, it turns out to be a game in which she has to do whatever Ichijo wants her to do. With her husband’s life in her hands, the desperate wife uses her body to conquer the game!