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Jカップの柔らか爆乳だけど、デブではない程よいムッチリ感で可愛らしいお姉さん系女優の塚田詩織。そんな彼女の魅力を余すことなく紹介!全裸の家事や性的サービスで旦那様にご奉仕する『はだかの家政婦』。3つのストーリーで彼女の超乳の魅力とキュートさに迫る『爆乳劇場』の2作品を完全収録!Shiori Tsukada is a lovely actress with big soft J-cup tits. We will introduce you to all of great points! The complete collection includes two works: “Bare-chested Housekeeper,“ in which she serves her husband with nude housework and sexual services, and “Bakunyu Theater,“ which explores the charm and cuteness of her super tits in three stories!