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爆乳や巨尻の肉感派、癒し系、スレンダー等あらゆるタイプの発情淫乱母たちが、息子や婿に対し性欲をぶつけチ〇ポを貪る。加山なつ子、大石忍、近藤郁美、小池絵美子ら8人の撮りおろしストーリーを4時間に収録。All types of horny mothers with big tits and big asses, healers, slenderers, and all other types of sluts, all of them devour their sons and daughters-in-law with their sexual desires. This 4-hour film contains stories of 8 women, including Natsuko Kayama, Shinobu Oishi, Ikumi Kondo, and Emiko Koike.