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『隣の奥さん 玄関先でムリヤリ発射 たまってるんじゃないの?抜いてあげる』の詳細データ
“1.夫とセックスレスの絵美子はオナニー後、隣の奥さんに借りていた本を返しに行く。不在であったが、その旦那の勃起した股間を見たらムラムラとしてしまい、襲ってしまう。2.夫の出張が多い忍は性生活に不満。オナニーをしたあと、隣の独身者へ料理をおすそわけ。股間を見たら思わず・・・。3.いやらしい投稿サイトを見てオナニーする郁美。単身赴任の隣人に実家から送られたきたミカンを持って行く。股間を見たら、たまらず・・・。4.隣人が気になる涼子。思わずオナニーをしてしまう。パンを焼いたので持って行くと・・・・・。肉食系熟女4人の撮りおろし作品。““This is a film of four carnal MILFs.1. Emiko, who has no sex with her husband, goes to return a book she borrowed from the neighbor’s wife after masturbating. She is not home, but when she sees her husband’s erect crotch, she becomes horny and has a sexual intercourse with him.2. after masturbating, Shinobu shares her cooking with the single guy next door. When he sees her crotch, he can’t help himself.3. Ikumi masturbates. She takes a souvenir to her single neighbor. When she sees his crotch, she can’t resist.4. Ryoko is curious about her neighbor. She masturbates involuntarily. She baked bread and takes it with her.“